Gaara's Absolute Defense crushed !
556 : Gaara Vs Mizukage.
ll mizuKage : Dammit, I keep leeing you my weaknesses and still ... Seriously guys ...
NinjA : Even though, you're way too strong.
Gaara : *panting*
Gaara : ( It's not really water, it looks closer to oil. When I guard with sand, the sand gets to heavy and crumbles from being wet )
MK : Tell me. Why did you guys went to Muu earlier. It's obvious that the best strategy is to gang up on the
stronger one.
Gaara : And so we did.
MK : Yeah, right. Look as hard as you want, it's obvious I'm the stronger one here. Muu just look like a dying Mummy to me, and nothing else.
Gaara : Someone taught me not judge a book by its cover. You are strong, indeed.
MK : Humm ... the clam you actually see is one big Genjutsu, okay ? It's a mirage, I told you that right ?
Soooooooo, that means physicals attacks are useless, right ? Then hurry the fuck up, find the real clam and destroy it, DAMMIT !
Oh, but heeey ... you're from Suna, right ?

Jonin Speciale - Veterano del Sito

1^Hokage del Villaggio della Foglia (Gai Maito)
Hokage dell'Alleanza Shinobi:
Mizukage del Villaggio della Nebbia

Villaggio delle Terme:

Corpo a corpo 100 (chakra 0)
Moltiplicazione del corpo 1 tecnica+400 (chakra 300)
Tec.della sostituzione evita 1 tecnica (tranne Genjusu/Sharingan/Carta bomba) (chakra 200)
Disperdi evita 1 Genjutsu/Sharingan (chakra 300)
Shuriken/Kunai 300
Carta bomba 700 (max 5) (chackra 100)
Tonico da battaglia vita e chakra+700 (max 1)